
Jeremy Haynes – Scaling Megalodon Marketing to a Top Digital Agency in the World

Recently, I had the pleasure of sitting down with Jeremy Haynes for an interview. Jeremy owns Megalodon Marketing, which is one of the top Digital Marketing Agencies in the World. He has worked with Personal Brands like Dan Lok, Garret White, and many more. I asked him about scaling his agency, how he got started, and for his best tips and tricks.

  • Jeremy, what does your company do?



Jeremy Haynes: I have two companies that I actively run. Megalodon Marketing is my marketing agency I’ve run the last few years, and we focus on scaling the world’s largest personality brands. We help take these entrepreneurs to 6 or 7 figures monthly selling different information products.


My second business I actively run is Jeremy, INC. That business acts as an umbrella to all of my mentoring programs and events. Currently, I help over 1,900+ paid students with starting and scaling a marketing agency, digital marketing, and personal branding.



  • How did you choose digital marketing?



Jeremy Haynes: This might sound cheesy, but digital marketing chose me. I was selling phones in Costco down in Miami Beach, and this guy who I sold a phone to offered me a job as his head of marketing. He had confidence in me that I could learn fast, and that I likely knew social media more than him. All of the responsibilities of a digital marketer were thrust upon me to figure out and I welcomed the opportunity with open arms. That later led me to getting recruited by a prominent sales trainer and mentor named Grant Cardone, which later helped me get into entrepreneurship full time.



  • What made you choose Personal Branding as your niche? Did you start your agency only focused on that niche?



Jeremy Haynes: I’ve tried a few other industries, and didn’t find the same level of fulfillment I get helping personal brands. When we help a personal brand get more clients and customers, we’re selling transitions, skills, and outcomes.


There’s nothing better than getting feedback from thousands of customers telling you their lives are infinitely better from an investment into a course, event, or mentoring package that you helped get into their hands.



  • How have you leveraged Personal Branding for yourself?



Jeremy Haynes: Absolutely! I’ve managed to teach in 3 different Tai Lopez Programs, a Mentor Box program without being an author, have trained over 1,900+ paid students, impacted hundreds of thousands through content and press, have scaled a marketing agency to over 7 figures yearly all through my personal brand.


It’s natural human behavior to connect to other humans who you have commonality with or can get value from. People have a different and unnatural behavior when attempting to communicate with a company.


As a simple example, look at human behavior when they call a corporation to complain versus the behavior of bringing a problem to the attention of one singular person’s attention. The person who calls McDonalds and complains about their order treats the rep with less respect typically, because talking to a company is interpreted different mentally. It doesn’t feel like the same accountability model we have when communicating to someone on a one to one level.



  • Best tips for a beginner agency owner?



Jeremy Haynes: Focus on results that help businesses make more money, do not focus on time and effort intensive services.


I’ve sold it all, funnels, advertising, marketing automation, chat bots, social media management, graphic design, web development, video services, etc. At one point I had 27 staff and 3 offices here in the USA.


The lessons I consistently learned the hard way, were that clients did not respect our time or effort, they respected results. Even if we set expectations several times throughout the relationship that you can’t make money until we get xyz done first, the client always only cared about the results, nothing else.


So that’s what we started selling, for more money and with less staff, less time, and less overhead. We started only taking the highest revenue driven actions, and didn’t bother with anything else. This changed the game for my agency! We realized that if something took us an hour, but produced massive ROI for the client, they could care less if we only worked an hour for the month.


We had to overcome the employee conditioning that more time invested and more hard work does not equal achievement and results.



  • Top 3 Personal Branding tips?



Jeremy Haynes: Content is content, and ads are ads, do not confuse the two. Most personal brands will make call to actions in their content, or will add links to their posts not knowing that significantly reduces the organic reach of the post.


Content should be strategically created, because all social interaction is now retargetable. This is the modern day email marketing, and the segmented lists are in the Facebooks Ads Manager labeled as ‘Audiences’.


If you learn to apply psychology into your content, like managing to establish the authority bias, curiosity bias and social proof in your first piece of content you show an ideal future customer who doesn’t know you yet, you’ll be lightyears ahead of other person brands. Most of the marketers and advertisers in the personal brand game go straight for the pitch, which disrespects people in the sales process. The key is to show your ideal buyers content in a strategic sequence first, and then move them into your direct response ads.



  • What are your 3 core principles?



Jeremy Haynes: Low time commitment, low responsponsibility and high profitability for both myself and the client.


These core values keep me focused on the highest revenue driven actions and the most impactful actions for myself and others in any situation.


In a world full of others who rob you and your time and consume your energy, I’m thinking like an engineer solely focused on efficient results. How can I put the least input in, and produce the most output.


This thinking goes into everything, including ad spend for clients as an example. How can we spend the least and make the most?


Or for my students, how can they invest in my course and put the least amount of time and effort in to get the most results compared to other investments?



  • What makes Megalodon Marketing different?



Jeremy Haynes: Our long list of previous wins and losses and our depth of applied knowledge in the Personal Brand industry. We’ve managed to produce some significant results for clients over the years, and we’re always excited to help the next personal brand we work with to get to 7 figures monthly while impacting millions around the world.



  • What are your future plans?



Jeremy Haynes: I’d love to get even more results for my students and clients while expanding my own personal brand. Impacting people and expanding their potential has become a main focus for me, you don’t know what you don’t know, and that can kill you or seriously limit your opportunities!


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