How This Millennial Business Coach Built a Multi 6-Figure Brand While Traveling the World

I recently had the pleasure of sitting down with Cait Scudder, who is a business coach and success catalyst for ambitious women entrepreneurs. Here is what she had to say:
When was the first time you tasted success Cait?
The very first time I tasted success was probably as a high school basketball player (I’m guessing this was not the answer you were expecting, but it’s true!).
I made Varsity team as a freshman and was one of the best players on the team all 4 years of high school.
I mention this time because my senior year, I was due to hit the 1000 point club (which was for players who over the course of their career made 1000 points). About 4 weeks before the senior year season ended, I had a horrible ankle injury that had me out for several games. I ended the year about 30 points short of the 1000 point club.
Why do I mention this? Because this “success” turned failure of the narrowest margin was a pivotal moment in my development as a high achiever. I knew that working towards the goal itself was the aim, and even though I don’t have my name waving on a banner in Avon High School, I DO know that all the sweat, tears, early morning and late nights helped define what I was able to achieve and accomplish.
When I went to launch my online business in 2017, I had spent time laying the foundation and knew I was ready to go. I launched and scaled my business to 6 figures in under a year, all from my laptop while traveling the world.
My mission on this planet is to equip and empower aspiring coaches, mentors, thought leaders, and creative entrepreneurs of all walks with the tools they need to streamline their vision, focus their ambition, and leverage their zone of genius to a build a profitable business.
6 figures in under a year is a true accomplishment, wow! So, why do you want to be successful and what’s your ultimate vision of success for yourself?
To me, success is waking up bursting with energy and excitement about what the day ahead holds, and going to sleep deeply content with who I am, the impact I’m leaving, and what I’m building. I don’t think of “being successful” as a final destination I’m aiming for, so much as the way I feel as I build towards my big goals each and every day.
Because here’s the thing: the end goal will always be receding into the horizon. Every time you achieve the goals you set for yourself, your inner achiever is going to want to – and rightfully so! – aim higher and keep expanding. The most important thing, then, is to make sure that you’re enjoying the process.
To me, that success looks and feels like witnessing my clients and my community of ambitious women chasing their dreams, building their businesses, and redefining what is possible for them. Seeing evidence of this reflected back to me gives me such a profound feeling of purpose and satisfaction that it is a motivator to better myself each and every day.
Thank you so much for sharing your awesome story Cait! Do you have any last words of advice for readers?
If you want something, don’t let anyone or anything stop you, talk you out of it, or reason you down. If your goal seems unachievable, it’s time to surround yourself with people, resources, and support that reminds you of what is possible.
One of the practices I adopted early on that has been a critical factor in my own success still to this day – is creating a success diet. Just like if you were training for a marathon, you’d make sure to be filling your physical body with high quality foods and sufficient exercise, if you’re looking to start a business, or triple your list size, or sign 5 new high ticket clients — you need to fuel your mind with the resources – both motivational and practical – it needs to execute on that dream.
Every single day, I make sure to take in inspiring and motivational material that reminds me of who I am and why I do what I do. That looks like listening to audiobooks, podcasts, and high energy music that sharpens my focus and lifts my spirit. If you want to achieve something, it’s essential that you make the daily decision to set yourself up for success.