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What are the New Features in Angular 9?, Hire Angular developer, Angular 9 Features

What are the New Features in Angular 9?

Angular JavaScript framework started for the first time in 2010, the latest version of AngularJS is Angular 9, and it was Finding on February 10th, 2020. Angular is one of the best and most successful frameworks and is widely utilizing for developing front-end desktop web applications or single-page apps by Hire Angular Developer Company.

Furthermore, Angular is the first preference for the front-end development for developers across the world. The new story of Angular is released every six months. In this blog, we shall overview the unique points of version 9.

Angular 9: Features

  • Default Ivy Compiler
  • More modest Package Size
  • Better Debugging
  • Faster Compilation
  • Ahead-of-time (AOT)

Angular 9 requires Typescript 3.7

Let’s look at the new information Angular 9 brought us, and there is one significant and main new feature in angular 9 is Ivy.


Levy is the code name for the AngularJS next-generation organizing and rendering pipeline. Angular 9’s compiling and rendering powerhouse is known as Ivy. Application build with IVY is more effective. The new version of Angular use View Engine and View Engine produced a large size package. But with the help of levy, this package has considerably decreased, thereby helping Angular overcome its bundle effects.

Smaller bundle size

The buddle sizes are reduced by 30 to 40 present in the new characteristic based on the app size. When you compile any component using a view engine in Angular JS, For example, home Member, you get two JavaScript files. The primary one is example.component.js, which consists of the selected typescript code, and the example.component.ngfactory.js file, which is a static description of the template code. That is why here, mapping of these two files utilize a much longer development time. The angular team concluded that the second file, which is the .ngfactory.js file, is removed by adding the template code within the JavaScript code itself. Ivy makes use of function calls rather than iterating over each element as in the View Engine.

Better Debugging

Debugging is one of the highlights of the Ivy compiler and runtime. It isn’t simple to develop an utterly bug-free application. Developers will not need to be debugging through the framework; they can do it on the component itself, encouraging you debug your code quickly.

Faster Compilation

Earlier, when you run the ng build command, the whole application gets recompiled because the Angular elements are informed of themselves’ colonies.

For example, a component receives *ngIf, that the part would also know what this *ngIf can compile, you make corrections to any of the dependencies, all components holding this *ngIf need to be recompiled. The team reached up with an approach with the locality principle, which brought forth a single file compilation. Components that contain *ngIf don’t need to know dependencies. In this case, some part is recompiled, nothing else required to recompile

AOT and Ivy

AOT, besides with levy, speed up building an application to active AOT in your application. Open angular.json file and set aot: true.

          “Options”: {

          “Output path”: “dist/project”,

           “Index”: “src/index.html”,

          “main”: “src/main.ts”,

         “polyfills”: “src/polyfills.ts”,

        “tscongif”: “”,

        “aot”: true,

If you like to develop your application efficiently, you will become to run it once after connecting third-party packages. To do this, include the below script in the package.json file.

         “name”: “project”

        “version”: “0.0.0”,

        “scripts”: {

        “postinstall”: “GCC –properties es2015 browser module main –first-only


       “ng”: “ng”,

What is AOT?

As discussed earlier, the Angular AOT compiler compiles your HTML and Typescript into JavaScript before the browser downloads and executes it.


update to 9

ng update @angular/cli @angular/core

The main goal of Angular 9 is to perform it available for all apps. The main advantage of Ivy is to decrease the size of requests for better user expertise.

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