Why staying hydrated at work is essential?

Water is an essential component of any living system. Our earth is covered with ¾th of water still we have to face the scarcity of water due to the non availability of water in pure form. Since ancient times man has evolved many techniques to purify water but due to shortage of time among people in the modern society man has incorporated technology in the process of purification of water. RO (Reverse Osmosis) water purifier is one such technology that has improved the quality of our lives by enabling us to drink pure water without any problem. Kids and aged persons needs special care in terms of provision of safe and clean drinking water due to their low immunity. Hence a household must have an efficient RO water treatment filter for a healthy living.
Health benefits of purified water
When it comes to you and employees’ health, the first thing you need to do is to install a water purification system. Having a quality water purifier can give you countless benefits. Glance through the list of benefits in the following lines.
- The root cause of gastrointestinal issues is poor quality water. The water which gets supplied in your office might contain contaminants and bacteria which make your employees succumb to stomach-related problems. Hence, you should quickly install a wall-mounted RO water purifier which obliterates potential bacteria and harsh chemicals from water.
- Human brain needs water for better brain function. If your employees drink less water, then it can affect their performance and attention. Therefore provision of clean drinking water is must.
- Drinking purified water helps in the better functioning of liver. It also reduces the chances of liver from getting infected by hepatitis caused by hepatitis virus and jaundice, which are serious water borne diseases and can be life threatening as well.
- Drinking of purified water in adequate amount helps in better functioning of the kidneys and helps in proper filtration of blood.
- Water also possess certain vital minerals like: calcium, phosphorous, iron and potassium which are very essential for our sustenance.
- Drinking of water in sufficient amount helps in increasing the radiance of the skin by keeping the skin cells hydrated all the time.
- Drinking of water in adequate amount is often adviced by thedoctors in order to keep blood pressure in normal state.
- Drinking adequate amount of water helps in the prevention of constipation as it improves bowel movement.
How to buy a RO
Currently there are multiple water purifiers available in the market. Each water filter have their own USPs and all claim to give the best water quality. But what you want to keep in mind is that all water purifiers come with different technical specifications and have certain basic requirements. How to know which one will work for you, depends on factors such as water pressure, water quality and space available. Hence if you want to buy a RO then always look for the features like: availability of RO servicecentres in the city where your commercial place is located and involvement of any extra service charge and cost of spare parts. As the number employees working in a particular commercial place determines the quantity of water requirement . Hence according to water requirement the RO filter price that you are going to purchase must be determined.
Features to look for before purchasing a RO
You can buy water purifiers online, where you will get wide varieties of products ranging from different brands, sizes and capacity. Here are a few things to keep in mind before op for the best buy water purifier.
- Quality of water found in your house
This is an essential aspect which you should keep in mind before buying a water purifier. The quality of water differs from one place to another. There are several types of impurities, bacteria and virus found in water. The taste and odour of the drinking water can also indicate the level of impurities present in the water. Different levels of impurities require a different type of cleaning. But the best bet for your household need is RO water purified with the multi level of filtration that helps you get clean and pure water every time.
- Technology
It is essential to have the correct technology to combat the strong germs present in the drinking water. Water purifiers available online offer you range of technologies such as RO, UV and UF, etc. The latest technology included in water purifiers is pH balance technology that balances the level of pH in drinking water.
- Quantity of water used on daily basis
This will help you choose the correct purifier for your home easily. If you have a small family, you can easily opt for smaller water purifier and if you are someone from the joint family you require water purifier with high power which can supply large quantity of water to satisfy the needs of the family.
- Maintenance of water purifier
Maintenance of water purifier is another factor that need to be kept in mind before purchasing a water purifier. The Personals of the RO servicecentremust perform the monthly maintenance tasks of your RO purchased by you for your commercial place without any delay. The ROservice centre must not ask for any additional charge for maintenance of your RO water purification system.
- Buy quality products
Water purifiers can be expensive, so it is essential to buy a quality product from proper stores and authorised showroom. Always check the registration of the product; this will help you to know whether the product is authentic or not. The other advantage of having a quality product is that you get trained technicians who help you solve any queries regarding the product as well as help maintain the water purifier at regular interval. Beware of cheap products because they often lack quality. This is an investment for long term hence invest wisely.
Which is the perfect RO brand?
The market is full of different RO brands hence when one goes for purchasing he must make his choice carefully. The RO brand that one wants to buy must work with great efficiency and with high effectiveness in order to filter water with higher perfection. Besides that there must be a good customer care services for helping the consumers whenever they faces any difficulty.Aquafresh water purifier is a brand that works with high perfections and helps in giving higher consumer satisfaction.
Thus, in order to stay fit all the time adequate attention must be given while choosing a water purifier.