Executive Voice
One Simple Piece of Advice You Need When First Starting A Business: With Jordan Platten

What is Your Ambition?
All over the world, there are thousands of young men and women who are crying out for someone to guide them in the right direction, just like I used. When I was in my late teens, I had this uncontrollable desire to be successful, I just couldn’t for the life of me figure out what I wanted to do for my life. It drives me knowing that there are so many others in that position and I want to be the mentor that I never had when I was in that position. I want to help as many young entrepreneurs find their path as I possibly.
If you had one piece of advice to someone just starting out, what would it be?
Never get complacent & don’t lose sight of the end-goal. – There will be many comfortable moments on your route to success, and you should enjoy them, but don’t enjoy them for too long. Keep pushing forward and keep challenging yourself to reach the next level.
When I first launched my business, I said to myself if i could make 5 figures profit in a single month a year from now, I would be very happy and go on holiday for a few months. It actually turned out that exactly 12 months after launching my business I had my most successful month ever, having profited £50,000 in 30 days. Yes I had my holiday, but it was only for 7 days.. Because even though I absolutely smashed my goals, I thought if this is what I can achieve in one year, what can I do in another? I kept focused and didn’t get complacent in that moment.