Meet Tanveer Rurrahman, founder of Darshan Samachar
To underlie a peaceful world and bring out prosperity in the vast growing society, the media need to work fearlessly for showcasing the truth. It’s never easy, but when you start doing it, it no longer remains a tough and feared task.
All we need is to raise our voices against social injustice and come up together to find a better solution. These words were spoken by Tanveer Rurrahman, the founder of Darshan Samachar, leaving a remarkable imprint on our mindset. Tanveer Rurrahman is the denizen of the city of Nawabs, Lucknow. He is the founder of Uttar Pradesh based news portal, Darshan Samachar. Tanveer Rurrahman is an emerging icon in the field of media and reporting. He is a source of inspiration for the generation of ignited minds. He has been contributing to social services for many years.
The speciality of Darshan Samachar is that it strives to present the social issues, opinion polls of the people, regional and national issues on its platform. The portal has been consistently working to promote the legacy of social justice and to portray the situation of the farth region of Uttar Pradesh.
Tanveer Rurrahman, the founder of Darshan Samachar says that the purpose of the media should be to show the truth to the public. It’s precisely important to provide correct information and create a social impact on the mindset of the people. These days the way Indian media has turned into, is quite deleterious for the welfare of our society. Speaking about fake news, founder of Darshan Samachar added that fooling people is a way to earn money and this must be stopped in order to protect the deference of Indian media.
Explaining the purpose of the Darshan Samachar, Tanveer Rurrahman said that we not just aim to spread the news. He said that we want to create an impact on people and we want them to come forward to vanquish the trade of social injustice. Further through our news portal we are working to bring young minds in the media line. The portal is hiring young people in order to provide employment and let these young minds flourish through the true medium of Indian media. The present situation is a big havoc. Despite having education and skills, our youth are still unemployed. So we are also making an effort to generate employment with the help of Darshan Samachar. Presenty, we have a total of 150 contributors from all the regions of the country. These contributors keep a close eye on every movement and news of the country. Meanwhile, we are putting our full effort to get the innovative creations prepared with the help of natural resources in the remote regional areas. We are looking forward to great support from our team. We are working with a total dedication to extend the number of contributors.
Tanveer Rurrahman further said that it is never easy to portray the truth. We had to face a lot of difficulties initially. But the best part for us as a team of a verity manifesting portal was that we never stopped. We kept moving ahead, and we always looked forward. The reason behind Darshan Samachar having huge viewer traffic is that we always believed in showcasing the truth. We never stepped back from our vision. People admired us. This is what kept moving us to chase fact-based and efficient news.
Darshan Samachar is working sedulously to mainstream the news of regional areas along with the social issues. We wish them more success to come ahead.