Meet Sam Jacobs, 18-Year-Old E-Commerce Expert

Recently I had the chance to sit down and chat with Sam Jacobs who is the CEO of Uprise Education and the owner of multiple online e-commerce stores. I discussed with him about how he was able to get to where he is at today. Here is what he had to say:
In your own words, what’s your story Sam? How did you get to where you are today?
Growing up, I always had that entrepreneur spirit. I was that kid selling candy bars in school, flipping things for a couple bucks here and there, but as I grew older, I knew I was destined for more.
I began to realize that the education system today is not where it’s supposed to be and I wasn’t going to let that slow me down. I thought to myself, what’s the reason why we are in school? Many would say it’s for an education, but the end goal is obviously an income.
Now for me, I disliked school, so I went out to seek something that I loved.
I came across this one thing called shopify dropshipping. In short, it’s where you can create your own website or online shop and sell things all around the world without having any inventory at all.
This sounded amazing to me and I knew I could make it work if I put my mind to it. Fast forward a year later, after lots of hard work, sweat and tears, I’m here today and I’ve done over $1.5 million in ecommerce revenue, and I am the CEO and founder of two companies and a mentor to thousands.
Now, here’s one thing I want to mention in this interview. The process wasn’t easy, nor did I think it was going to be easy, but either way, I told myself I won’t quit until I succeed. Remember to have the mindset when you go into anything in life that you won’t quit until you succeed, and you will never fail.
Success is like a roller coaster, you have good and bad days. Now here’s the trick… you want to see real success? Have the same mindset when you are down and when you are up… you’re gonna BREAKTHRU!
When you had those down moments what motivated you to get back up?
That’s a great question, here’s the answer I tell everyone and the amazing part is everyone can use it.
I want you to think about why you want success, and dig deep. Find your WHY.
Maybe it’s to buy your mom a nice house, pay her bills, get yourself the life you always dreamed of, power, girls or whatever it is, find it.
Next I want you to write your WHY on a piece of paper and hang it somewhere you can see it.
Now here’s where it gets awesome… when you’re about to quit tell yourself NO! If I quit now I will NEVER get that “WHY.”
I used this strategy to always keep myself motivated even when times got bad.
Wow that’s mind blowing… Thanks for sharing your incredible story Sam! Do you have any last words of advice for readers?
It was my pleasure, and like I said before never and I mean never QUIT.
It was great interviewing Sam Jacobs. His story is an inspiration for us all. You can follow him on Instagram @SamJacobs.