Executive Voice
Karan Singh AKA Loner With A Phone

I had the pleasure of interviewing Karan Singh AKA Loner With A Phone who is a Social Media Genius, an Influencer and also now a Podcast Host called “4 Questions with Social Media Famous” which now have around 20K downloads in less than a month.
Thank you so much for joining us! Can you tell us a story about what you do and how you started on Social Media and became an influencer?
I did my social media-marketing course in 2013 and my ecommerce brand got a lot of success through influencer marketing so I educated myself with how it works and their best practices. I never wanted to become an Influencer neither I call myself one as its huge responsibility to Influence people in the right direction. I just try and make few people laugh or try to entertain them showing them some of my life stories it keeps me busy outside of work. Also, it’s really fun.
Can you share the best thing that happened to you since you started on social media?
Well, it made me feel a little more confident. I did things last year which I would have never done offline like around 15 solo trips with random strangers. I get to meet and hangout with the coolest people I know (also started dating one of them 😉 ) . Oh, the best thing would be I started taking fitness and nutrition seriously because mostly I use to go to gym twice a day to find interesting content and I didn’t like being so unfit on camera.
Who are your favorite Influencers and Why?
Fitness: Roshni Sanghvi(obviously), Nidhi Mohan, Dana Linn Bailey, Hypertrophy Coach.
Because these people stories and posts keeps me on toes.
Humor: David Dobrik because he knows how to work hard and make it fun as well.
What do you think makes your podcast stand out?
First, I am the host. So yeah, you know its going to kill it. Okay seriously its different because its not scripted. It tells the exact culture for social media influencers in India and thanks to so honest guests, they give a honest advice no matter how harsh it may sound.
What tips will you give to a person who just started on Social Media and want to make it big?
1. Listen to the podcast. All episodes. All of them.
2. Don’t obsess over the number of followers. It’s a dark path and I have been there. It’s not pretty.
3. Do it if you actually want to create. Don’t do it because someone else did it or you think its easy or you might be able to make fame or money out of it.
How have you used your social media to bring goodness to the world?
Okay, too much pressure. I don’t think I have done something that to mention other than making few people smile but yeah if I get a chance to give back or change something for good through my social media, I would definitely do it.
What are your “5 things I wish someone told me before I made my started on social media” and why.
1. You can’t change your Snapchat Username.
2. In 2 years or so you will be in an actual relationship and Loner with a phone will sound awkward.
3. You jokes are not that funny as they sound in your head.
4. Everyone wants to see 2 girls kissing. Everyone.
5. Never compromise work for content.
You are a person of great influence. What advice can you give to our readers to a happy life?
Party Every Weekend. Hydrate yourself next morning. Work really really Hard. Workout everyday. Stay away from toxic people surround yourself with people who make your feel good about yourself. Don’t miss a chance to travel. Laugh On Lame Jokes. Read a book every once in a while. Black color looks amazing on you no matter who you are. Timberland Boots are the only pair of shoes you should own.
How can our readers follow you on social media or Listen to the podcast?
Instagram : @instaakaran
Snapchat : RandomizingK
Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/lonerwithaphone