How A Soul-Centered Entrepreneur, Jenna Faye, Had a $77k Launch

I was able to sit down and talk with Jenna Faye who works with entrepreneurs to scale their business to sustainable 6+ figures while igniting a movement doing their soul’s work. She is an Online Business Strategist and is the Co-Founder of Soul Meets Strategy™ Business Solutions which she runs alongside her fiance. Jenna has been location independent for 2 years and currently lives in the mountains of New Zealand. I got to ask her about her vision of success and here is what she said:
When was the first time you tasted success Jenna?
To me success is how I feel when my head hits my pillow at the end of every day. I ask myself did I show up to the best of my ability? If yes, then it’s been a successful day.
I first started to truly feel successful in my business when I started to see my clients having amazing transformations while my income grew to match the time and energy I was putting into my business.
I bet it is a great feeling when you deliver client results! So, why do you want to be successful?
I want to continue on my success journey so that I can empower and support other entrepreneurs to scale their businesses into the multi six figures so that they have the resources to sustain themselves and serve more people.
My ultimate vision is to guide 1 million soul-centered entrepreneurs to igniting movements of positive transformation so that humanity can shift from a profit above all business model into a conscious model that balances people, profit, planet and personal growth equally.
Thanks for sharing your story Jenna! Do you have any last pieces of advice for readers?
Your business is meant to the bigger than you. When you are focused on igniting a movement with your work, everything else falls into place.