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Five Tips On How To Stay Optimistic By Akanksha Roy

Surviving in a world where the environment around you is negative is difficult. You have to be a tough cookie to protect your own physical or mental health. Akanksha Roy is a twenty-year-old engineering student who also loves writing poems and articles. She has managed to survive psychological torture. The fight to protect her mental health has taught her to be confident of herself and to remain optimistic.

Being optimistic changes your perspective. It helps you look at everything positively, and it is the most important trait which will help you protect your mental health. Here are five tips by Akanksha Roy, which will help you to stay optimistic:

Stop being a victim

Your life will become more comfortable when you start taking your responsibilities instead of being victimized. Always accept the fact that life is never going to be a cakewalk. So it’s better to fight your battles instead of being a victim.
To stop being a victim, you need to start letting go of people or situations which prolongs your suffering. The day you stop being a victim is the day you start taking a step towards being optimistic.

Start re-evaluating your life

Re-evaluating your life will help you to understand the priorities of your life, and it will also help you to protect your mental health. Re-evaluation helps you to analyze your life. When you re-evaluate your life, you start questioning how good or bad your current situation is for your mental health.
It is a fact that your vibe attracts your tribe. So when you start Re-evaluating yourself, you tend to start surrounding yourself with optimistic people.

Start reaching out to people

Reaching out to people is probably the best way to become optimistic. When you reach out to people and hear about their issues, you start looking at the world from their perspective. You realize that you are not the only one who is suffering and that motivates you to be kind and gentle to people around you.

Start Being Thankful

Always be thankful for your current situation. Even though it’s easier said than done, being grateful for what you have helps you to shift your focus from what you don’t have. When you are thankful for what you have, you stop pitying yourself, and you start working on your problems.

Start taking criticism in a healthy way

Taking criticism in a healthy way won’t let anything hold you back from doing what you love. To take it in a positive manner, you need to start analyzing whether it’s constructive or destructive. It would be best if you kept in mind that the criticism isn’t always about you. So start letting go of those criticisms which affect your mental health and always accept those which help you to grow.

Akanksha is still working on herself to become a stronger and better person both physically and mentally. Her journey isn’t easy, but she believes that her optimism keeps her going.

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