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An online platform from the most inspiring Jake Havron is taking the world by storm

Online training has always been a time saving, and effective way, in staying fit and keeping positive. The journey of Jake Havron has been very fascinating to say the least.

Growing up in Hawaii, Jake had its downfalls as he was the stand out, tall white kid. He also was quite chubby growing up which led to other kids picking on him growing up. Not being confident, and being bullied every now and then, he chose to fight it out by devoting his time to sports and working out.

He ended up receiving a full-scale scholarship for Basketball and nursing to the University of Jamestown. The focus shifted to basketball and schooling. He became passionate about sports and balanced his nursing education through very supporting professors.

He shaped up his degree and the body together, and balanced life as we know it. He came back to Maui with an intention to take a break before starting his professional journey. This break got him into bodybuilding competition. He succeeded by receiving the 2nd place in his class.

The got his followers keen on knowing more about his training aspect, and that’s how his journey as an online trainer began. He also found an opportunity to play for the Hawaii Pro Basketball team and signed a contract to play for them in the October of 2017.

Sadly, the coach bailed 14 days before the event and he was devastated. This was a low blow but also a blessing in disguise. He started a journey of trying to take people out of the hospital through training them online rather than getting them into the hospital.

He poured his heart and soul in every single client and this passion became a beautiful profession for this young, and talented online trainer. Within 90 days, he was able to come across and train Sarah Foley, who ended up becoming Ms. Wheelchair Hawaii.

The result was awe-inspiring, and this compelled him to make this a full-time training program and coaching people throughout the nation. Jake and Sarah called it the disability Icon program. His main inspiration in life in this entrepreneurship journey was the idea that “I can shape my own life”.

He never wanted to be bound to the chains of the dream limiting 9-5 routine jobs. His inclination towards impacting others’ life made his journey even more exciting. He is very grateful for Sterling Griffin, Ceo of Life Changer Academy, who literally taught him how to be a full-time online trainer, and leave a positive impression on his clients.

Online training through a holistic approach has transformed the lives of numerous people across the nation. The client base has been growing ever since, and passionate professional success is just a start to reshape the way people look at physical and mental health.


I am a Marketing & PR Specialist with a strong background in E-commerce with over 5 years experience. I am the CEO of Prestige Public Relations, a PR agency where I help entrepreneurs big and small get their story on major publications.


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