Executive Voice
An interview with Tony Pizarro; An American Philanthropist, Entrepreneur and Marketing Guru

Tony Pizarro is an American philanthropist, entrepreneur, record producer listed as one of the “Top 50 Hip Hop Producers” of all time. Selling over 100 million albums with artist such as 2Pac, Ice-T, DMX, N.W.A.’s Ice Cube and Mc Ren. Pizarro has produced ground breaking projects for advertising companies, video games, film, TV, radio, streaming, audio books, soundtracks, musical greeting cards, live events, and technology applications.
Why do you think it’s important to be candid about failure?
Tony: First and most importantly you have to be honest with yourself, as well as, being transparent with your executive team in seeing everything for what it really is without all the smoke. I’ve never familiarized myself with the word “Failure” as it means to throw in the towel and remain unsuccessful. For lack of better words I refer to failure merely as an obstacle or temporary setback. Nevertheless, whether we call it a failure, obstacle, or setback, this is the educational process necessary that reveals all the foresight to ones future success.
What inspired you to start entrepreneurship?
Tony: Growing up I was the whiz kid . At an early age, I was forced to use my brain to get what I wanted in the world. Having a externally creative impulse I was gifted at envisioning and creating services that people were willing to pay for like going door to door singing Christmas Carols in a Santa suit every Holiday, buying soft drinks to sell at a marked up price at the golf course, running a profitable door to door car wash business in my neighborhood, to opening my first bank account due to my father discovering me counting and ironing stacks of money with our clothing iron. I can go on and on… etc…etc. Basically, by the age of eleven, I had cultivated all the confidence, skills, and experience necessary to make money without punching in on someone’s time clock.
What has been the biggest challenge, And on the flip side the biggest reward of starting a business?
Tony: Starting any new business comes with an array of challenges. I often find that time management tends to always be a little challenging in starting a new business or project.
I’ve always been a strong advocate of conscious control of time and planning on the grounds that it cultivates the insight to working smarter, therefore increasing the effectiveness, efficiency, and productivity of each and every execution.
The biggest reward of starting my own business is assembling a squad of like minded achievers with diverse skills, who are fearless, laser-focused, relentless in work ethic, and passionately determined to succeed by all means necessary.
What are two things you wish someone told you when you first started?
Tony: Don’t let the limitations of others limit your vision. I’m currently writing a book which address this in greater detail called “The Rules of the Game” which I’ll talk about later, but anyway, In my book I refer to this as rule #111 where thoughts become real. Achieving anything in life always starts with a clear-vision, this is your greatest asset because the blueprint you design in your head eventually becomes the reality.
The second thing I wish someone told me when I first got started as a youth, although eventually was told to me when I started the music business is don’t sweat the small stuff. The key here is to not loose sight of the big picture. “I never sweat the stuff that falls out the back of the truck because I’m focused on the road ahead.” Is one of many treasured quotes from Ice-T uttered while I recorded records for his albums. I recall this being the pivotal time where I mastered the art of staying focused.
None of us are able to achieve success without someone’s help along way. Is there any person you are grateful towards who helped you get where you are. What lesson did you learn from them?
Tony: Yes, I would say as I just mentioned Ice-T who is a creative genius with the natural ability to inspire you with cleverness, artistry, and flair. Ice-T is gifted at speaking truths transposed to a quote, or rhyme, often telling a story, that is not only motivating, but also entertaining, while elevating your intellect, and encouraging your highest potential.
However, I’m most appreciative of “Dear Mama”… my mother, who believed in me first. My mother is the root source of my creativity and motivation. She has always possessed the ability to inspire the great ideas within me that made a difference. I learned all things are possible as a result of creative thinking, hard work, dedication, and focus. Through my mother I acquired the art of perseverance she taught me the importance of remaining calm while embracing the struggle as she observed that I usually achieve my best work when I’m under pressure. I’m so thankful for all the support from my mother because not all whiz kids go on to achieve great things as an adult.
What is the best way for someone to reach you if they are interested in working with you?
Contact: Spencer Galbreath at Dri, Inc.
Email: [email protected]
I’m always interested in making opportunities materialize.