5 Tips from Moulay Omar Zahraoui to grow your business

Moulay is an entrepreneur who created his own enterprise from the ground up. After graduating from college in 2011 he stepped into his entrepreneurial journey and has turned things around.
“An entrepreneur gets to set the rules and policies of the company, rather than has to follow them like a company employee. If the business succeeds or fails, it is largely on the founder’s shoulders. The entrepreneur gets to select a business model he or she feels passionately about, rather than simply ‘punch a clock’ to get a pay check. While there is the unfortunate potential for great losses if the business fails (and many do) there is also the potential for great rewards, if the business is a success.” Moulay said.
Below are the 5 tips given by Moulay Omar Zahraoui:
- There’s no Substitute to Hardwork
If you’ve started your business or you’re planning to start just know that it’s not going to be an easy journey. If you want to achieve something in life you have to be willing to put in the work required to achieve it.
- Great Customer Service
Ensure your customer service is exceptional and go the extra mile when you can. Your customers will not only remember great service they will also be more likely to refer other people to you.
- Give back to your community
Building brand awareness in your local community is a great way to attract new business. Consider sponsorship or participating in a community event to raise your business profile.
- Identify new opportunities.
Analyze new opportunities in your business by understanding your demographi better. Understand everything from distribution channels to your direct competitors, and even an analysis of foreign markets and other potential industries. There are likely dozens of new opportunities you could pursue immediately with the proper amount of analysis.
- International expansion
Can you expand internationally? What would it take to do business in United Kingdom or U.S.A or India? If you have a converting offer, international expansion could be a quick way to grow. You’ll incur some costs. Sure. But, the potential for profits could be massive.
In the end I would like to say: “It is important to understand the true meaning of partnership. I would suggest that every businessman must build partnership with distributors. Having a strong network with distributors can do wonders for the brand to make the business a successful venture. We have got 24,000 distributors who have helped us in getting tremendous business.”